Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness is the latest adaptation of the popular video game franchise, and the show includes a number of fun Easter eggs and references to the series’ past. Fan-favorite protagonists Claire Redfield and Leon S. Kennedy are back in action, uncovering a new bioweapons plot that stretches deep into the inner workings of the U.S. government. The four episodes feature plenty of zombies, cheesy one-liners, and of course, plenty of allusions to the Resident Evil games.
In fairness, Infinite Darkness isn’t as rife with Easter eggs as some other video game adaptations. There are no green herbs, no medicinal sprays, no typewriter ribbons, and no instructions on what keys to do. There’s also no sign of Albert Wesker’s perfectly set hair, or of that creepy shopkeeper who wants to know what people are buying. What there is, however, are a number of fun nods to the storylines of past Resident Evil games, including some interesting reveals and classic weapons.
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Because of its 2006 setting, Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness is set squarely between the events of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5. As such, it includes references to both games, as well as some of the franchise’s older entries. Here are all the big Easter eggs to watch for in Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness.