<br><div><aside class="gnt_em gnt_em__fp gnt_em_vp__tp gnt_em__el" aria-label="Video - Electric vehicle sales: Demand for EVs slowing despite tax credits"/><p class="gnt_ar_b_p">Are you there, electric vehicle makers? It’s me, an EV shopper.</p><p class="gnt_ar_b_p">Judging by the EVs on the market, EV makers aren’t there listening to what consumers want, according to auto comparison company Edmunds.</p><p class="gnt_ar_b_p">EV battery longevity worries, range anxiety and lack of charging infrastructure are all known concerns, but there’s also a wide gap between what car shoppers want and what’s for sale, Edmunds’ 2024 EV consumer sentiment survey shows.</p><p class="gnt_ar_b_p">These factors together can make the <a target="_blank" href="http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/personalfinance/2023/05/08/ev-sales-2023-slowing/70188358007/" data-t-l=":b|e|k|${u}" class="gnt_ar_b_a" rel="noopener">uphill climb to mass EV purchases</a> even steeper. Edmunds predicts the rate of EV growth will continue <a target="_blank" href="http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/personalfinance/2023/11/14/ev-sales-2023-slow-inventory-pile-up/71572499007/" data-t-l=":b|e|k|${u}" class="gnt_ar_b_a" rel="noopener">slowing through 2024</a>, increasing to just 8% of new vehicle market share from 6.9% last year and 5.2% in 2022.</p><aside aria-label="advertisement" class="gnt_m gnt_x gnt_x__lbl gnt_x__al"/><p class="gnt_ar_b_p">“The electric vehicle market is growing, but consumers have enough reservations about the options and charging infrastructure challenges to <a target="_blank" href="http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2023/07/14/ev-sales-dropping-cox-automotive-says/70411020007/" data-t-l=":b|e|k|${u}" class="gnt_ar_b_a" rel="noopener">limit more significant growth</a> in the short term,” said Jessica Caldwell, Edmunds' head of insight.</p><h2 class="gnt_ar_b_h2">What do EV shoppers want?</h2><p class="gnt_ar_b_p">The top three things Edmunds says EV shoppers want include:</p><aside aria-label="advertisement" class="gnt_m gnt_x gnt_x__lbl gnt_x__al"/><p class="gnt_ar_b_p">◾ Lower <a target="_blank" href="http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/personalfinance/2023/07/27/ev-concerns-ease-fewer-people-want-to-own/70469087007/" data-t-l=":b|e|k|${u}" class="gnt_ar_b_a" rel="noopener">prices</a>: Among those who intend to buy an EV, 47% want one for less than $40,000, and 22% are interested in EVs below $30,000.</p><p class="gnt_ar_b_p"><strong>Reality:</strong> Zero new EVs have an average manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) below $30,000, and there are only four below $40,000. In 2023, the average transaction price of an electric vehicle was $61,702, while all other vehicles stood at $47,450, Edmunds said.</p><aside class="gnt_em gnt_em_anc" id="gnt_atomsnc" data-g-r="lazy" data-gl-method="loadAnc" aria-label="Newsletter signup form"/><p class="gnt_ar_b_p">◾ Cars and SUVs, not electric pickups: Among existing vehicle owners,...</p></div> <style> .wrapper { text-align: center; } </style> <div class="wrapper"> <a class="button" href ="https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2024/04/03/electric-car-ev-sales-slump-consumer-gap/73181707007/">Read more <span>➤</span></a> </div>