After winning the International Pro-Am at Matterhorn Golf Mini Golf in Canton, two Connecticut natives are traveling to the Czech Republic to compete in the World Adventure Golf Finals.
“Thirty-six of the best miniature golfers,” said Simsbury’s David Vayda, who has more than 40 years of golfing experience. “Over in Europe, they take miniature golf to a whole different level.”
Caleb Smith, a senior at Farmington High School and member of the River Hawks’ golf team, also earned a spot in the international competition.
“It’s just me and Caleb,” Vayda said. “We’re the only two in the U.S. representing.”
“It’s definitely a blessing to go over there and compete and represent Team USA,” Smith said.

Both golfers have had their share of hole-in-ones.
“I think I stopped counting,” Vayda said.
“Too many to count, to be honest,” Smith said. “Out here you need as many as you can get.”
This is the first year the United States is represented in the World Adventure Golf Finals.
“Mini golf as a sport is like any other sport,” International Pro-Am Tournament Director Pat Sheridan said. “You have to put the time into it to get out of it so once they found out they qualified for this, we’ve been putting in weeks and weeks of practice.”
Vayda and Smith are hoping their experience will carry them through on those pressure putts.
“Being able to deal with pressure in real golf and mini golf, it kind of correlates,” Smith said.
“Having the patience and knowing…