Since 1989 AIM has helped dentists across North America take aim with their marketing
The difference between dental practice success and failure boils down to methodical execution of proven systems, not chasing “new” and “different.”
— Danile A. ‘Danny’ Bobrow
CHICAGO, IL, USA, March 10, 2021 / — The “Covid Economy” caught everyone off guard. Yet, the difference between practice success and failure continues to be the methodical execution of proven systems, not chasing “new” and “different.”
Following an injury that almost ended his career, Dr. Carlo Biasucci was determined to change his practice from a beast of burden to a business that would allow him to live life on his terms. He took his already-successful $2.4 million dollar practice, tripled it in 3 years, and cut his work week in half.
He now spends 100% of his time sharing exactly how dentists across North America and overseas can get off the treadmill of trading hours for dollars.
The webcast, which takes place on Thursday, March 18th from 6-7:30 p.m. Central Time, will be hosted by Daniel A. ‘Danny’ Bobrow, MBA (finance), MBA (marketing), BS…