The American health care system, is showing signs of falling behind other industrialized nations, both in cost and health outcomes. What can we do about it?
— Formaspace
AUSTIN, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, July 28, 2021 / — As Covid vaccination programs across the country push forward to inoculate ever higher numbers of the American public, now is a good time to reflect on the current state of our health care system and consider what we could do to make it more effective and efficient.
That’s what makes a new academic work, Health Insurance Systems: An International Comparison, researched and written by Thomas Rice, a distinguished professor of health policy and management at UCLA’s Fielding School of Public Health, such a timely and important resource.
Rice has conducted a thorough investigation of the costs and health outcomes of ten nations, including the United States, making it easier to make direct comparisons between countries and to identify the best practices…