<br><div><aside class="gnt_em gnt_em__fp gnt_em_vp__tp gnt_em__el" aria-label="Video - No charges for officers in Alton Sterling shooting"/><p class="gnt_ar_b_p">The family of <a target="_blank" href="/story/news/nation-now/2016/07/15/hundreds-gather-mourn-alton-sterling-funeral/87142968/" rel="noopener" data-t-l=":b|e|inline click|${u}" class="gnt_ar_b_a">Alton Sterling</a>, a Black man who was fatally shot by police in Louisiana, has accepted a $4.5 million settlement nearly five years after his death.</p><p class="gnt_ar_b_p">Sterling, a 37-year-old father of five, was killed on July 5, 2016 by Baton Rouge police officers outside a convenience store. Video of his death sparked protests nationwide. Lawyers for Sterling’s children filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city, its police department and former police chief and the two officers involved in June 2017</p><p class="gnt_ar_b_p">The officer who shot Sterling was<a target="_blank" href="/story/news/2018/03/30/alton-sterling-shooting-baton-rouge-officer-fired-excessive-force/474566002/" rel="noopener" data-t-l=":b|e|inline click|${u}" class="gnt_ar_b_a"> fired in March 2018,</a> but a settlement announced Friday allowed him to withdraw his termination and resign retroactively instead. The officer who helped wrestle Sterling to the ground was suspended for three days. <a target="_blank" href="/story/news/nation-now/2018/03/27/alton-sterling-black-man-fatally-shot-louisiana/462243002/" rel="noopener" data-t-l=":b|e|inline click|${u}" class="gnt_ar_b_a">Neither was criminally charged.</a></p><p class="gnt_ar_b_p">The settlement “will allow the city to heal and provide a pathway for Mr. Sterling’s children to be provided for financially,” lawyers for the family said in a <a target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/JustinBamberg/status/1403453371080654853/photo/1" rel="noopener" data-t-l=":b|e|inline click|${u}" class="gnt_ar_b_a">statement</a>.</p><figure class="gnt_em gnt_em_img"><img class="gnt_em_img_i" style="height:304px" data-g-r="lazy" src="https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/cc45c7438d416c3f746e5293bcfcd629249c44f7/c=0-50-540-354/local/-/media/2018/08/15/USATODAY/usatsports/usatcollege-CollegeUSAT-619760-alton-sterling.jpg?width=540&height=304&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp" decoding="async" alt="Shadows fall on a newly painted mural of Alton Sterling next to the Triple S convenience store in Baton Rouge, La., July 6, 2016. Sterling, 37, was shot and killed outside the store by Baton Rouge police. ,"/></figure><p class="gnt_ar_b_p">The East Baton Rouge Metro Council rejected three settlement offers before approving the final agreement earlier in February, just weeks before a trial was set to begin, the Advocate <a target="_blank" href="https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/article_5e1ff938-6c0b-11eb-bc4c-abb5d0e20a99.html" rel="noopener" data-t-l=":b|e|inline click|${u}" class="gnt_ar_b_a">reported</a>. </p><p class="gnt_ar_b_p">Court documents show the family moved last month to dismiss the lawsuit, which alleges the shooting was part of a pattern of racist behavior and excessive force by Baton Rouge Police.</p><p class="gnt_ar_b_p">"After nearly five years, the people of Baton Rouge are finally one step closer to getting much-needed closure in this traumatic episode of our...</p></div> <style> .wrapper { text-align: center; } </style> <div class="wrapper"> <a class="button" href ="https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/06/14/settlement-alton-sterling-family-nearly-5-years-after-death/7683441002/">Read more <span>➤</span></a> </div>