— Oklahoma US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate
OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA , USA, March 12, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — The Oklahoma US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate says, “We are appealing to the wife or adult son-daughter of a Navy Veteran or person with lung cancer to call attorney Erik Karst of the law firm of Karst von Oiste at 800-714-0303 if your loved one had significant exposure to asbestos in the navy or at work prior to 1982. Financial compensation for a person like this might exceed $100,000 and the claim does not typically involve suing the navy or a former employer. It does not matter if the person smoked cigarettes. The typical person we are trying to identify is over 60 years old.
“We could not say this enough times—–the $30 billion dollar-asbestos trust funds were set up for people who had heavy exposure to asbestos in the navy or at work and who then develop lung cancer. If this sounds like your husband or dad-please call attorney Erik Karst of the law firm of Karst von Oiste at 800-714-0303 to explore possible compensation and what might be involved. Erik Karst is one of the nation’s leading asbestos exposure lawyers.” www.karstvonoiste.com/