Peace River Center
Peace River Center received the July Dyer Difference Award in Polk County. Peace River Center is the go-to resource for individuals in Polk, Highlands, and Hardee counties who need help with mental health, substance abuse and victim services. The nonprofit organization provides outpatient therapy, 24-hour inpatient emergency psychiatric care, shelter and programming for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, a 24-hour mobile crisis response team and an array of recovery services for mental health and behavioral needs. Each month, members of the Dyer family and Dyer Kia and Dyer Chevrolet teams meet to select one non-profit organization to receive that month’s recognition and $3,000 award. To nominate a non-profit organization from Polk County for the Dyer Difference Award, go to www.dyerdifference.org.
Treatt, an ingredients manufacturer and solutions provider to the global flavor, fragrance and consumer goods markets, recently donated $890 to Peace River Center. To highlight the important role physical activity has on enhancing well-being, Treatt challenged its USA and UK-based employees to get active and cover 100 miles in one month. Whether walking, running, or another physical activity, Treatt agreed to donate $5 for every 10 miles the employee accomplished. Treatt USA’s Lakeland office had 21 employees who covered 1,782 miles.
Lakeland Elks
Lakeland Elks Lakeland Elks Lodge #1291 used grant funds received from the Elks National…