DGR Grant to cocoon K East Reactor
DGR Grant Construction Inc. of Richland has secured a $9.5 million contract to build a cocoon-type structure over the K East Reactor at the Hanford site.
The enclosure over the reactor will provide interim safe storage and protects the building while radioactivity in the reactor core decays over the coming decades, after which the reactor will be dismantled.
Central Plateau Cleanup Co., a U.S. Department of Energy contractor, awarded the contract in August.
“Awarding this contract is a major step toward completion of work in Hanford’s K Reactor Area,” said Bob Krebs, CPCCo project manager.
DGR is expected to begin work in September on the foundation for the storage enclosure. A steel structure will be installed in early 2022 and the project should be complete in 2023.
K East Reactor operated from 1955 to 1971. It is the seventh of Hanford’s nine former reactors to be placed in interim safe storage. K West Reactor will be the ninth.
B Reactor is preserved as a visitor facility and is part of the National Park Service’s Manhattan Project National Historical Park.
Parade of Homes tickets on sale for Sept. 17-19 tours
Tickets are now on sale for the Home Builders Association of Tri-Cities’ popular Parade of Homes event.
The Parade will look different this year because of pandemic-induced supply chain disruptions. It will feature two homes for in-person touring Sept. 17-19.
Additional homes can be toured online at