Bad decision by Los Al Unified
Dear Editor,
Congratulations to the Los Alamitos Unified School Board for approving the “Cultural Experience in America” elective course. Certainly, if the school board has the time and energy for this touchy-feeling ethnics study course, it means that 100% (or very close to it) of LAUSD students excel in the basics such as reading, writing, arithmetic, history, and science.
If minority students are lagging white students and LAUSD focuses on ethnics studies instead of subjects that students need to succeed in college and the working world, can’t someone claim that is a form of racism?
Karen Swenson
Dear Editor,
I read in today’s newspaper that the Los Alamitos School District has approved an elective ethnics studies class. The United States of America has so many wonderful ethnicities that I wonder how classroom time will be determined. Will teachers look at population percentages to determine how much time is devoted to each ethnicity? For instance, if an ethnic group is 5% of the population, will only 5% of class time be devoted to that ethnic group?
Every ethnicity has a magnificent story to share about its contributions to our great country. It’s called American History.
Cindy O’Malley
Dear Editor,
As a former 12-year elected member of the Los Alamitos Unified School District Board of Education, it is very disheartening to watch the school board put so much time and effort on an elective…