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2020 was undoubtedly a year littered with change, from the surge of COVID-19 to an impending invasion of murder hornets. We ask ourselves how has this changed individuals prioritization of events and consumer behaviors?
Facebook IQ has taken a look into the upcoming trends of 2021 in its “2021 Topics and Trends Report,” with activism, community, and adaptations of new technology among the top trends.
Education Leading to Awareness & Action
There has been a clear shift in education, particularly in the way individuals seek out information. People are beginning to acquire new knowledge that helps them make better connections with the world around them and transform awareness into action.
Voices are now being heard and listened to for a variety of issues from climate change to inequality. Right here in the United States, Generation Z and Millenials led the charge in taking a stand against racial inequality. The movement continues to prevail as younger generations use social media to educate themselves and others on prominent issues. Ultimately, this influx of education has stretched advocacy beyond the boundaries that held it back in the past.
Furthermore, literature and learning have found new and exciting ways to enter the lives of Americans young and old. There has been a surge in the number of individuals who are downloading eBooks, streaming videos, and listening to podcasts. The trend expands beyond digital media as…