Funding release for mobility bond OK’d
The Austin City Council approved the release of funds from the 2020 Active Transportation and Safety Bond, which Austin voters approved in November as Proposition B.
The action allows Austin Transportation and Austin Public Works to hire the initial staff necessary to begin work on the $460 million in local mobility projects across the city.
Projects funded by the proposition include $102 million for major capital improvements, $80 million for sidewalks, $80 million for urban trails, $65 million for safety/vision zero, $53 million for substandard streets, $40 million for bikeways, $20 million for safe routes to school and $19 million for local transit enhancement.
These projects are in addition to the $160 million in funds approved in November 2018 and $720 million voters approved in November 2016.
All work related to the 2020 Active Transportation and Safety Bond is anticipated to be completed by 2027.
For project information: austintexas.gov/2020PropB.
Butler Trail named No. 3 in country
Austin’s Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail achieved No. 3 in a new top 10 list of recreational trails in the United States.
The list was voted on by participants in USA Today’s 10 Best competition. Nominees for the category were chosen by a panel of experts including USA Today editors and other contributors.
To view the full list: 10best.com/awards/travel/best-recreational-trail.
Veterans office provides aid
The Hays County…