I am seeing an increase in chatter amongst the SEO industry around a possible Google search ranking algorithm update around Friday, May 7th and then again on Sunday, May 9th. Even some of the tools are showing the changes as well. But it doesn’t seem to be a massive update, like some previous Google updates.
The chatter started to spiked up on May 7th. Then it died down and spiked back up on May 9th. Here is some of the chatter from WebmasterWorld:
Terrible traffic today…total traffic -18%, USA -26%, home page -36%. Traffic has been trending down all week with no recovery from the March 15th update
Same here, traffic dropped a lot today. They are probably starting to roll-out their Core Vitals update?
Woke up to find that Google wiped out one entire swath of my highest ranking terms this morning. Where I was ranking #1 for years I am now at #42. About five different terms including the same keyword (a place name) has dropped between 26 and 41 spots all at the same time. It has nothing to do with domain authority apparently, as mine is higher than some of the sites that stayed in the top five. Is anyone else seeing place related searches get whacked over time?
Another huge drop today. The rollercoaster has already become a standard in my graphics
I’m dropping terms I’ve ranked for in first place for 5+ years now. Nothing changed. Not sure what they doing as lower-ranked spammy sites with terrible content ranking higher. Lowest users yesterday in years and dropping…