Tatum Northington Elmore/Autauga News
The American Heritage Girls Troop AL0125 along with the Trail Life USA Troop hosted an informational meeting on August 23 at Millbrook Presbyterian Church. This kickoff event set the new troop year off with a bang by hosting the Montgomery Zoo’s Educational Department and had attendees learn more about the Animals of the Bible.
American Heritage Girls and Trail Life USA are girl and boy, respectively, character development programs for children ages 5-18. These scout type groups are Christian centered, with community service being the number one goal of each. Local AHG Troop Director, Susan Waldrop, explained “We do a lot of community service projects to try and instill the importance of community service within our troops. Both groups also experience camping, wildlife/nature education, and so much more throughout the year.”
Students and parents alike were invited to attend the meeting last night to learn more about what the troops do as well as learn about the animals of the Bible. This program is just one of many that the Montgomery Zoo provides to groups and classes across the area. Danielle Crowe, the Education Curator with the zoo, brought out many animals from their education department to show the attendees. Animals included were an Emperor Scorpion, Ball Python, Bearded Dragon, Australian Dingo and more. Crowe explains that her department “Comes out to events like this to get children excited about…