Heading off on holiday from the UK is still tricky, with very few holiday hotspots on the green list and most amber countries requiring quarantine when holidaymakers return home.
It is hoped the proposed new rules on travelling with two vaccines and some countries moving on to the green list might give Brits a few more options in the coming weeks.
Many families will be hoping to make a longer trip to America or Canada too.
Read more: Heathrow Airport: Turkey travel rules and the next red list review
Whether it’s to see family or make a once-in-a-lifetime trip to places like Disneyland the two countries are popular places for Brits to visit.
America recently relaxed its rules on allowing EU citizens in, but Brits still have to meet a range of requirements to be allowed into the countries – and they are very strict indeed
Both countries remain on the amber list, which means official government advice is not to travel there.

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Entry to the US