press release
PRESS RELEASE. Bitcoin of America (BOA), a popular virtual currency exchange, is reporting record growth. Bitcoin of America is registered as a money services business with the United States Department of Treasury (FinCEN). Their mission is to provide their customers with a fast and easy transaction process, while securing the best rate in the market. The company launched back in 2015 and is headquartered in Chicago, IL. Bitcoin of America is known for their several different services including Bitcoin ATMs (BTMs), Tablets, and online exchange.
Bitcoin of America, one of the leading operators in the industry, has seen tremendous growth this year. Their top line revenue is up 220% and their earnings have increase 8 times the amount of last years. Bitcoin of America is known for their BTMS. They are located in 31 states including major cities across the USA. This year so far, the company has seen a 96 percent increase in BTMs. At the end of January 2021, the company had 630 BTM locations. To date, the company now has 1236 locations. Another aspect of Bitcoin of America that has seen massive growth, is the company’s team. The number of employees grew 32% in just one year.
CEO of Bitcoin of America, Sonny Meraban, is ecstatic about the company’s achievements. “Samantha, our Chief Operating Officer, helped jump start our growth in just a short 16 months. She has truly…