For 13 and a half years, every single day, Beeple’s digital artist Mike Winkelman posted a new work of art online. All this digital art is put together as a collage that sold for over $69 million at a recent Christie’s auction. Beeple’s art features a Pikachu with an anorexic human body, obese Mario, Mickey mouse as a strong man and other unthinkable imagery of these thousands of works. Weird, strange and stunning art attracting high prices is nothing new. But, Beeple has delivered a first of its kind art.
Titled “Everyday: The First 5000 Days”, is a unique digital art authenticated with a unique non-fungible token(NFT). This is also the first time that a major auction house has accepted cryptocurrency, in this case, Ether. According to MakersPlace, which issued the blockchain based NFT to Beeple’s work, an NFT is a collectible digital asset. NFTs exist on and are authenticated via a “blockchain”, which is a publicly accessible online database not owned by any central authority, where the data cannot be altered. The auction stated that the $69 million collage will be delivered directly from Beeple to the buyer, accompanied by a unique NFT encrypted with the artist’s unforgeable signature and uniquely identified on the blockchain.
Blockchain technology provides the mechanism for which NFTs are authenticated by digitally attaching a permanent signature and establishing a digital artwork provenance. The most popular blockchain that currently…