Elliot Page is opening up about coming out as transgender in his first interview since his December news, speaking to Time magazine about the pandemic’s impact on accepting his gender identity and his future in acting.
In Time’s March/April cover issue, published online Tuesday, the actor, 34, said he has a “feeling of true excitement and deep gratitude to have made it to this point in my life, mixed with a lot of fear and anxiety.”
These feelings follow what he experienced after coming out, which he describes as “a lot of support and love and a massive amount of hatred and transphobia.”
“Extremely influential people are spreading these myths and damaging rhetoric—every day you’re seeing our existence debated. Transgender people are so very real,” he said. “My privilege has allowed me to have resources to get through and to be where I am today, and of course I want to use that privilege and platform to help in the ways I can.”
Page, who also used his coming out as a platform to highlight issues facing the trans community, didn’t shy away from discussing political attacks on trans people in the interview.

“We know who we are. People cling to these firm ideas [about gender] because it makes people feel safe. But if we could just celebrate all the wonderful complexities of people, the world would be such a better place,” he said.
Page, who the magazine said is the first transgender man to grace its cover, said the pandemic gave him time to think about and accept…