Whether it is being among the most highly infected with COVID19, being forced out of jobs at an alarming rate due to lack of childcare and support, or making up a large portion of the essential workers who put themselves at risk to keep the country going, women of color continue to bear the brunt of inequality and our nation’s broken systems. USA Today (How Black and Asian Women are United Against Racism)
Several weeks ago, Dr. Bravada Garrett Akinsanya, Executive Director, African American Child Wellness Institute, Inc. (AACWI), Founder & President of Brakins Consulting & Psychological Services, LLC, and co-host of “The Healing Circle”, Friday’s platform for “Conversations with Al McFarlane”, convened notable activists, local politicians, religious leaders, mental health therapists, educators, and medical professionals. The ‘Healing Circle’ (Part 2) continued on this past Friday, ‘Good Friday’, a powerful and meaningful day.
March 31st was International Transgender Day of Visibility created by Rachel Crandall-Crocker in 2009. “It was high time transgender communities ceased being bystanders on the outside looking in but accepted as an integral entry to the fabric of our American populace. In 2021, Rachel Levine would become the nation’s Assistant Secretary of Health, the first openly transgender federal official…